Boards & Commissions

Circleville-Pickaway Lease Oversight Board

Responsibilities include overseeing the terms of the lease of Berger Hospital to Ohio Health. Committee members represent the city and the county and serve without compensation.

Agendas and Minutes
  • Matt Tootle
  • David Crawford
  • Scott Blue
  • John Edgar
Board Of Zoning Appeals

The BZA hears appeals in matters related to the zoning ordinances. Because the Board acts somewhat like a court, it is called a quasi-judicial body. The Board is required to follow procedures set forth to evaluate the facts in each case. Meetings: 2nd and 4th Monday of each month, as needed, at 6:30 p.m.

Agendas and Minutes
  • Kevin Driesbach - Chairman
  • Dennis Garlington - Vice Chairman
  • Connie Kelly
  • Fred Kennedy
  • Misty Laxton
  • Vacant - Alternate
  • Vacant - Alternate
Cable TV Board

The Cable TV Board oversees the operation of the CGTV municipal television station, which broadcasts City Council’s regular meetings and Committee meetings, as well as local sporting events and other happenings. The programming can be found on the YouTube channel CGTV-Circleville Ohio or on Spectrum Digital TV service channel 1021.
Meetings: Once a month as needed

  • Sue Bialy - Chairman
  • John Howley
  • Bruce Cook
Civil Service Commission

The Civil Service Commission has established a system of personnel administration for the City of Circleville based on merit principles and personnel methods, governing the appointment, promotion, transfer, layoff, removal and discipline of its employees while providing an equal opportunity to all qualified citizens to compete for employment on a basis of demonstrated merit and fitness. The commission also establishes and maintains a uniform and equitable plan of classifications based upon duties and responsibilities of positions, promotes high morale among city employees by providing good working conditions and opportunities for promotion, and develops a program of recruitment, training, advancement and tenure that will make a career in city service attractive to citizens who possess both ability and integrity. Meetings: 2nd Tuesday at 8:30 a.m

Agendas and Minutes
  • Matt Tootle - Chair
  • Stacy Young - Vice Chair
  • Amy Elsea
  • Vacant - Secretary
Downtown Redevelopment District Board

The Everts Downtown Redevelopment District (DRD) was established in December 2016 by Circleville's City Council through Ordinance 12-68-2016 with a term length of 10 years. In December 2019, Circleville's City Council created four more DRD districts (East Main Street-DRD1, Court Street-DRD2, West Main Street-DRD3, and Franklin Street-DRD4) through Ordinance 12-64-2019 with a term length of 30 years. Some of the funds in these districts are made to the Treasurer of Pickaway County in lieu of taxes. These funds are to be used for improvements to property. The purpose of Circleville's DRD is to serve as a catalyst for downtown economic development, job creation, property improvement, and retaining the city's distinctive residential and commercial architecture. The DRD Operating Committee was formed in December 2019 and is tasked with (A) reviewing all applications requesting funds from the DRD Fund and (B) presenting an annual report to the Circleville City Council on Circleville's DRD.

Meetings: Bi-Annually or as needed

Agendas and Minutes
  • Gary Dean
  • Mike Hartley
  • Daryl Wolfe
Historic Review Board

The HRB is tasked with protecting and preserving the areas of the city with unique and valuable historic, architectural and cultural resources. The Board encourages development and property improvements that respect the existing historic architecture and reduce conflict between new construction and existing development. The HRB promotes and enhances revitalization and reinvestment in the City of Circleville.
Meetings: 2nd and 4th Monday of each month, as needed, at 5:30pm in Council Chambers.

Agendas and Minutes
  • Richie Verito - Chair
  • Mike Combs
  • Jeff Morehead
  • Jane Shaw
  • William Adkins
  • Christopher Burton
  • Denise Simms
Board of Park Commissioners

The Park Board provides guidance and direction to the Mayor and the Parks and Recreation Director on matters relating to planning, acquisition, development and operation of the city’s parks, facilities and recreational programs.
Meetings: 1st Wednesday at 4:30 p.m.

Agendas and Minutes
  • Megan Travis - Chair
  • Beth Mason - Vice Chair
  • Tyler Cruz - Secretary
Pickaway County Health District Board

One member is appointed to this board from the city to serve with members from around Pickaway County. The Board oversees the operations of the Pickaway County Health District, whose mission is to protect and improve the health of Pickaway County residents through the provision of quality public health services.
Meetings: 3rd Tuesday at 7:00 p.m.

Agendas and Minutes
  • Michelle Blanton - Mayor
  • Mike Wolford - President
  • Dr. Linda Iskra - Vice President
  • Colin Hedges - City Appointee
  • Nancie Bechtel
  • Donald Bradley
  • Spencer Cheek
  • Elaine Miller
Planning And Zoning Commission

P&Z is the platting authority for the city. The Commission reviews and must approve development plans and site plan design applications. P&Z shall review all text and map amendments to the zoning code and make recommendations to City Council.
Meetings: 1st Wednesday of each month, as needed, at 5:30 p.m.

Agendas and Minutes
  • Jim Stanley - Service Director & Chairman
  • Michelle Blanton - Mayor & Vice Chairman
  • Megan Travis - Park Board Chairperson
  • Richard Liston
  • Kimberly Frericks
  • Dorcas Morrow
  • Michael Combs
Records Commission

Meetings: Bi-Annually

  • Michelle Blanton - Mayor
  • Mark Bidwell - Auditor
  • Kendra Kinney - Law Director
  • Robert Sneed
Tree Commission

The Tree Commission creates and maintains a comprehensive plan for the care, preservation, pruning, planting, replacement, maintenance and removal of trees and shrubs in the public streets, rights-of-way, parks, cemeteries, public schools and other city-owned property.
Meetings: 2nd Thursday at 6:00 pm

Agendas and Minutes
  • Beth Kowalski - Chairperson
  • Laura Schweitzer
  • Alan Gribler
  • Lori Pritchard
  • Mark Fouch
  • Lisa Wiseman - Vice Chairperson
  • Christopher Burton
JEDD - Circleville Pickaway Township

  • Mark Martin (Township) - Chairman
  • David Crawford
  • Mark Lombardi (Employer in the JEDD - Sofidel)
  • Amy Parsons (Employee Rep in JEDD)
  • Mike Agosta (P3 Nominee from LESD)
  • Auditor Mark Bidwell (Virtue of Office)
  • Barry Keller (Council Liaison)
  • Tim Colburn (P3 Economic Advisor)
  • Tiffany Anderson (P3 Recording Secretary)
Apply to serve on a Board or Commission
