Developer Information

Looking to develop in the City of Circleville? Contact the Public Service Department to set up a pre-development meeting.

Subdivision Procedures

Residential and commercial subdivisions follow the same process in the City of Circleville. All street, storm, and water improvements will be subject to the City of Columbus Construction and Material Specifications.

Development Checklist

New Subdivision Fee Sheet

Subdivision Applications:

Planned Development Districts

There are two planned districts included in the City of Circleville Zoning Code, the Planned Mixed-Use District (PMD) and the Planned Unit Development District (PUD).  Both PMD and PUD Processes are treated as a zoning amendment. PMDs/PUDs may go through the subdivision platting process simultaneously. The preliminary PMD/PUD Application must be approved before a final subdivision plat is applied for.

Planned Mixed-Use District (PMD): The purpose of the Planned Mixed-Use District is to promote the general welfare, encourage the efficient use of land and resources, promote public health and utility services, and encourage innovation in the planning and building of appropriate types of retail, office and commercial development integrated with appropriate housing types.

Planned Unit Development (PUD): The Planned Unit Development District is very similar to the PMD, but allows for greater flexibility with the proportions of different types of uses. 

Commercial Developments

Most commercial uses in the city require site plan design approval by the Planning & Zoning Commission in addition to a commercial zoning permit. See Chapter 1133 of the Zoning Code for a list of these uses.