


Michelle L. Blanton

The Mayor’s office is responsible for the overall administration of the affairs of the city. Responsibilities include enforcing all laws and ordinances and making recommendations to the City Council on the affairs of the city. The mayor also reviews and submits annual budgets to the City Council for approval and encourages the economic development and growth of the city by working with various organizations and executing all contracts as the city’s official contracting officer.


Contact Us


  • Brenda Short
  • Secretary to the Mayor
  • 130 S. Court Street
  • Circleville, OH  43113
  • Email:
  • Monday – Friday
  • 8:00 a.m. – 4:00 p.m.

1st and 3rd Tuesday of each month 7:00 pm

    • City Hall
    • 127 S. Court St
    • Circleville, OH 43113


Regular meetings & committee meetings are televised by CGTV.

Watch now on YouTube
Agendas & Minutes

Agendas are prepared prior to each meeting, minutes are available following approval.

Agendas & Minutes

Codified Ordinances

City Council Members

Barry Keller
Barry Keller


The duties of the Circleville City Council are primarily legislative and include enacting legislation, appropriating funds, adopting the city budget, approving labor contracts, and populating some city boards and commissions. Council is composed of seven (7) elected members, one member from each of the four wards; and three at-large members. The Council President presides over council sessions and also is in an elected position. All terms are for two years.

Council members are assigned to committees: Safety, Service, Finance, Judicial and Strategic Planning. Council meets on the first and third Tuesday of each month at 7 p.m. in the council chamber of City Hall, 127 S. Court St.

Sheri Theis

At Large

Tom Klitzka

At Large

Katie Logan Hedges

At Large

Jeff Hallinin

First Ward

John Moats

Second Ward

Audrey Lukasak

Third Ward

Tom Duvall

Fourth Ward

Explore all of City of Circleville’s
Council Committees

Mark Bidwell

The City Auditor shall keep the books of the City of Circleville and exhibit accurate statements of all money received and expended, of all property owned by the City of Circleville and the income derived therefrom, and of all taxes and assessments.


Prior Year Annual Reports


City of Circleville Annual Audits

View Annual Audits



Income Tax

Income tax is the City of Circleville’s largest single source of revenue. The City is a member of the Regional Income Tax Agency (also known as RITA), which provides services to collect income tax for municipalities in the State of Ohio.

Tax Rate

Current Tax Rate 2.0% (eff. Jan 1, 2025 –  ) Credit – 100% up to 2.0% for municipal taxes paid elsewhere

Prior Tax Rate 2.5% (eff. Jan 1, 2020 – 2024) Credit – 100% up to 2.5% for municipal taxes paid elsewhere

Previous Tax Rate 2.0% (eff. Jan. 1, 2015 – 2019) Credit – 100% up to 2.0% for municipal taxes paid elsewhere

Filing Basics

Filling is mandatory for all residents. Every Circleville resident 18 years of age or older must file a Circleville return, whether or not tax is due. Partial year residents are also required to file.

Filing Deadline: April 15
Free Services Visit RITA to learn more.

Estimated Payments

Every taxpayer who anticipates owing $200.00 or more must estimate their taxes and make quarterly payments on the anticipated tax due. A declaration of estimated tax must be filed by April 15 and can be shown on RITA’s income tax return (line 20 of Form 37). Estimated payments are due April 15, June 15, September 15, and December 15. Bills are only generated for the 2nd, 3rd, and 4th quarters.

Get the information you need
for your RITA taxing

Business & Employer Taxes

Thank you for picking Circleville as your business city!

If you are a new business to the City of Circleville and your business is in the city limits, you are required by law to withhold city income tax on your employees’ wages and set up a net profit account for the business

The City of Circleville is a Regional Income Tax Agency (RITA) city. RITA processes all forms and payments for the City of Circleville. Register your business, find business forms, file electronically, and pay online at

Important Changes To Withholding Requirements

Please be advised that municipal income tax withholding due dates and related thresholds are changing as noted below. These changes are the result of the enactment of House Bill 5 by the State legislature.

Monthly Filing and Payment

Monthly filing and payment is required if an employer has withheld with respect to a municipality more than $2,399 in the immediately preceding calendar year, or more than $200 in any one month in the immediately preceding calendar quarter. The due date for Monthly filers is the 15th day of the month following the month withheld.

Quarterly Filing and Payment

Quarterly filing and payment is required if an employer has withheld with respect to a municipality $2,399 or less in the immediately preceding calendar year, or $200 or less for each month in the immediately preceding calendar quarter. The due date for Quarterly filers is the 15th day of the month following the end of the quarter.

In addition to these changes to withholding tax filing requirements, H.B. 5 also includes changes to the occasional entrant provisions, penalty and interest rates, annual tax return and estimated tax payment due dates and thresholds, and other items.

New Residents

Welcome to the City of Circleville!

All residents are required to file a Circleville return each year, including partial year residents.

The first step is to register with the Circleville Income Tax Department. Visit RITA’s website to complete registration online or submit a registration form.


Property Search

To determine whether or not your address is within Circleville city limits, you can do a property search at the County Auditor’s website. Parcel numbers beginning with A05, A35, A36, or A37 are within city limits; it is mandatory for residents to file a Circleville return, whether or not tax is due.

Visit: Pickaway County Auditor’s office

Pumpkin Show
Vendor Taxes

Private Property Owners

All property owners who rent 3 or more vendor spaces are required to collect a $25.00 tax payment from each space/booth they rent. Property owners should collect the $25.00 payments while collecting rent for their space.

In lieu of filing an annual Circleville income tax return, concessionaires are required to pay a $25.00 flat tax payment at the time they pay for Pumpkin Show space.


Ordinance 10-67-2013 This ordinance authorizes the levying of assessments for cutting of weeds and the abatement of nuisances on certain city lots.


Valerie Dilley

Director of Human Resources

The Department of Human Resources provides assistance, direction and support to city department heads and supervisors. In addition, the HR office maintains personnel files for all city employees, administers workers' compensation benefits, injury leave and medical, dental, vision and life benefits. The HR office administers all 4 collective bargaining agreements and is responsible for conducting disciplinary hearings as well as recruiting and hiring applicants.


Applications for employment and/or resumes will only be accepted when there is a position open and an advertisement for employment has been placed. We will no longer accept unsolicited applications and/or resumes for employment. All unsolicited applications and/or resumes that are received will be returned to the applicant.



Valerie Dilley, HR Director
Tami Robison, HR Assistant
  • 104 E. Franklin Street
  • Circleville, OH 43113
  • PH: 740-474-9601
  • FX: 740-477-5829


  • Monday - Friday
  • 8:00 a.m. - 4:00 p.m.




The Public Safety Director supports a team of dedicated professionals serving the Circleville community with responsibility for administering the International Property Maintenance Codes (IPMC) to ensure building safety, the delivery of protective services and emergency response capabilities through the Fire and Emergency Services Department, and the Police Department.

The Director works closely with other city and state departments to improve traffic patterns and traffic safety for the city as well as with the approval of handicapped parking permits, street closings, parade permits, noise variances, and solicitation permits. The Director’s office is responsible for the approval of all new street signage and markings and the recommendation of traffic control signage, lights, and devices in accordance with the Manual for Uniform Traffic Control Devices (MUTCD).

Contact Us

  • Catherine Frost
  • Administrative Assistant
  • 104 E. Franklin Street
  • Circleville, OH  43113
  • Email:
  • Monday – Friday
  • 8:00 a.m. – 4:00 p.m.

Kendra Kinney

The Circleville City Law Director is responsible for handling the prosecution of all misdemeanor and traffic cases countywide before the Circleville Municipal Court. Her office also prepares and /or approves all Ordinances for the City, provides any legal opinions requested by city officials or law enforcement, and reviews reports of all law enforcement within the county when requested to determine if criminal charges should be filed and, if so, what charges. Further, the Law Director is responsible for obtaining all reports, videos, and other discovery needed on criminal cases being heard before the Municipal Court, preparing and sending notices to law enforcement and victims of crimes of court hearing dates, and preparing witness subpoenas for all Municipal Court criminal hearings.


Contact Information:

For anything Criminal related, please email Wanda Gay at

For anything Civil related, please email Jenn at

Assistant Law Director, Keith Brewster at

City Law Director, Kendra Kinney at



  • 158 E Franklin St.
  • Circleville, OH 43113
  • Monday - Friday
  • 8:00 a.m. - 4:00 p.m.

The Circleville Municipal Court has jurisdiction throughout all of Pickaway County. The Court has jurisdiction over criminal misdemeanor offenses and all traffic cases and has the authority to conduct preliminary hearings in felony cases. The Court is also responsible for hearing actions in forcible entry and detention (evictions) and has the authority to hear civil cases in which the amount of money in dispute does not exceed $15,000. In March 2022, the Court achieved specialized docket certification from the Supreme Court of Ohio for the Pickaway County Circleville Municipal Recovery Court created to assist high-risk offenders with substance use disorders.

Judge Peters has been serving as the judge in the Municipal Court since January 1, 2020.


  • 130 S. Court St.
  • P.O. Box 128
  • Circleville, OH 43113
Probation Information
  • Physical Address:
  • 151 E. Franklin St.
  • Circleville, OH 43113

Dorothe Radcliff

The treasurer of a municipal corporation shall demand and receive, from the county treasurer, taxes levied and assessments made and certified to the county auditor by the legislative authority of such municipal corporation and placed on the tax list by such auditor for collection, money, from persons authorized to collect or required to pay them, accruing to the municipal corporation from any judgments, fines, penalties, forfeitures, licenses, and costs taxed in mayor’s court, and debts due the municipal corporation. Such funds shall be disbursed by the treasurer on the order of any person authorized by law or ordinance to issue orders therefor.

The treasurer of a municipal corporation shall settle and account with the legislative authority, quarterly, and at any other time which it by resolution or ordinance requires. At the first regular meeting of such legislative authority in January, each year, the treasurer shall report to it the condition of the finances of the municipal corporation, the amount received by him, the sources of such receipts, the disbursements made by him, and on what account, during the year preceding. Such an account shall exhibit the balance due on each fund that has come into the treasurer’s hands during the year.


  • 130 S. Court St.
  • Circleville, OH 43113
Find out about the boards and commissions keeping Circleville running.
  • Circleville-Pickaway Lease Oversight Board
  • Board of Zoning Appeals
  • Cable TV Board
  • Civil Service Commission
  • Downtown Redevelopment District Board
  • Historic Review Board
  • Board of Park Commissioners
  • Pickaway County Health District Board
  • Pickaway County Metropolitan Housing Authority Board
  • Planning and Zoning Commission
  • Records Commission
  • Tree Commission
Work with Us
  • Apply now to serve on a board or
  • committee with the City of Circleville.