Historic Review Board

The HRB is tasked with protecting and preserving the areas of the city with unique and valuable historic, architectural and cultural resources. The Board encourages development and property improvements that respect the existing historic architecture and reduce conflict between new construction and existing development. The HRB promotes and enhances revitalization and reinvestment in the City of Circleville.

Certificate of Appropriateness Application
Historic District Overlay Map



2nd and 4th Monday of each month, when applications are pending.

5:30 pm

Council Chambers
2nd Floor of City Hall
127 S Court St
Circleville, OH 43113


Melissa Burns –  Clerk

Hannah Wynne – Planner
Email | 740-477-8224

Staff Directory

Name Email Term Ends
Richard Verito – Chairperson rverito@circlevilleoh.gov 9/1/2024
Jessica Calder – Vice Chairperson jcalder@circlevilleoh.gov 9/1/2024
Richard Rhodes rrhodes@circlevilleoh.gov 9/1/2024
Jeff Moorehead 9/1/2027
Michael Combs mcombs@circlevilleoh.gov 9/1/2025
Jane Shaw jshaw@circlevilleoh.gov 9/1/2025
William Adkins wadkins@circlevilleoh.gov 9/1/2025

Terms limited to 3 years