Police Officer – Entry Level

Job Classification: Entry Level Police Officer – Full Time, OPOTA Certified

Minimum Score Requirements: Video Score 65%, Writing Score 70%, Reading Score 70%. After obtaining the minimum score in each category, candidates are ranked based on the weighted score.

Minimum Requirements for Applying: A valid Ohio Driver’s License and State of Ohio Police Officer certification is required. Please visit our website for additional details. Applicants not meeting the minimum standards listed here and below will not be placed on the eligibility list.

Please read all the following information carefully. The City of Circleville is establishing an eligibility list for full-time Police Officer. Candidates meeting the minimum requirements of the position may be invited, in groups of ten (10) starting at the top of the eligibility list, to complete an employment application and the City of Circleville Personal History Questionnaire following the closing of the testing period and certification of the eligibility list.

Veteran’s Credit: After obtaining the minimum score in each category, Veteran’s credit of 20% (required by state law), will be granted to those individuals who show certified proof of Honorable Discharge pursuant to state law and the Local Rules of the Circleville Service Commission prior to the close of the application period. Email a copy of certified proof to hr@circlevilleoh.gov when submitting your score to qualify for the bonus.

Salary Information: Effective January 1, 2025, Police Officer entry level pay is $28.50/hour with an increase to $30.96/hour after 6 months of employment. Newly hired employees shall be provided with an initial issue of uniform items. However, newly hired employees who leave employment with the City within 24 months of their first date of service with the City shall reimburse the City the cost of the initial issue of uniforms and equipment.

Benefit Information: Health, dental, vision and life benefits are offered after 30 days of service as well as membership in the Ohio Police and Firemen’s Disability and Pension Fund. Paid vacation offered after 12 months of service.

Department Overview: A Police Officer patrols designated areas of the City protecting the lives, safety, property and peace of the citizens of Circleville by ensuring compliance with and enforcing all applicable laws and City Ordinances; answers calls when a crime is suspected or an emergency exists; takes such actions as are necessary to prevent crime, to apprehend a criminal, to maintain safety, to assist citizens in a wide range of emergency and non-emergency situations; monitors and controls traffic, enforces traffic laws and investigates traffic crashes. The duties and assignments of a Police Officer are quite varied in nature and occur in a variety of settings and places.

Location: Circleville/Pickaway County, Ohio, population: 13,314
Minimum Job Requirements: Applicants are removed from the selection process and Civil Service Commission employment eligibility list for failure to meet the minimum requirements as listed in the employment notice.

• Age: Must be at least 21 years of age
• US Citizen: Yes
• High School Grad/GED: Must possess a high school diploma or equivalent
• Valid OHIO State Driver’s License: Possession of an unrestricted license (except for corrective lenses) with the ability to meet the City’s minimum guidelines for insurability
• Ability to Read/Speak English: Yes
• Vision: As required by the Ohio Police and Fire Pension Fund Physical Requirements
• College: Not required

Hiring Process:
• An extensive background investigation, including but not limited to driving records, criminal records, alcohol and drug use, financial responsibility records, voice stress analysis, psychological exam, and physical exam.
• Undesirable conduct in the area of integrity, discipline, commitment, or reliability may cause an applicant to be disqualified.
• Must have a stable employment record. Instability may include the inability to maintain steady employment as well as gross abuse of standards, incompetency, or aberrant behavior during a single employment.
• Must not have a credit history which could result in criminal prosecution (i.e., failure to pay child support) or conduct which appears intended to defraud or harm just creditors.
• Must participate in a structured panel interview.
• Must successfully complete a psychological examination, including but not limited to, an oral interview administered and interpreted by a licensed practitioner trained to evaluate results of both tests.
• Must successfully complete an extensive physical examination, including but not limited to, a complete medical examination, stress test and evaluation.
• Must successfully pass a drug and alcohol screening.