City of Circleville Storm Water Management

When precipitation falls from the sky, it forms puddles and rills of water that flow across yards, paved lots, and fields into our streets and storm sewers. Along the way, it picks up pollutants such as oil, salt, pesticides, bacteria, and sediment that can cause pollution. Ultimately, the majority of that water ends up in our streams and rivers.

Effective management of this stormwater runoff and the fulfillment of stormwater regulatory requirements dictate the need for the City of Circleville to adopt a comprehensive approach to stormwater management that ties together stormwater quantity control with quality protection, as well as protection of the stream channels, riparian corridors, flood plain management, habitat preservation, and habitat restoration.  Some of these important elements are listed below:

Cleaning up after your pets helps reduce Nutrient Pollution in our City and its waterways. The City of Circleville provides 7 pet waste stations within its park system. These stations are cleaned on a weekly basis during the warm-weather months, and are free for the public’s use. More information on Nutrient Pollution is available here.

Whether naturally occurring, or as a consequence of development, Sediment Pollution and Erosion have a detrimental impact on the quality of our waterways. More information on this important topic is available here.

When it comes to Residential Stormwater Management, rain barrels can be used to capture water from a roof and hold it for later use, such as on lawns, gardens, or indoor plants. Collecting roof runoff in rain barrels reduces the amount of water that flows from your property. More information on this topic is available here

Litter and Trash cause harm to our environment, our wildlife, and our economy. By litter polluting our neighborhoods, it decreases property values and deteriorates our city’s natural beauty. You can help by not littering, and following these tips:

    1. Pick up trash! (Even if you were not the one who dropped it), and don’t overfill waste bins
    2. Keep your yard clean and remove all debris, and never dispose of waste in a storm sewer inlet
    3. Recycle! Talk to your family and friends about recycling too.
    4. Do not drop cigarettes, wrappers, or other small debris on the ground either
  • Further information on trash disposal and/or recycling in our area can be found on Rumpke’s page here.

Hazardous household chemicals that are not disposed of properly can be carried by stormwater and rainwater into nearby lakes and streams. For more information on the disposal of Hazardous Wastes in the Circleville and Pickaway County area, as well as general information on what waste products are acceptable, please visit the Ross Pickaway Highland Fairfield Solid Waste District website here.

In 2022, the Circleville City Council passed specific revisions to our Codified Ordinances relating to Stormwater Management. You can find Ordinance 1193.05 here, and Ordinance 925.181 here.

The City of Circleville Stormwater Program operates under a Municipal Separate Storm Sewer System (MS4) permit (PDF) issued by the Ohio EPA. The permit requires that the City develop a Stormwater Management Plan (SWMP) (PDF)  that addresses six focused areas:

  1. Public Outreach
  2. Public Participation
  3. Illicit Discharge Detection and Elimination
  4. Construction Site Runoff Control
  5. Post-Construction Storm Water Management
  6. Pollution Prevention/Good Housekeeping

These programs are all focused on water quality issues that may impact our streams.  You can do your part by practicing your own good housekeeping.  Don’t sweep grass clippings into the street, minimize your use of pesticides, herbicides, and fertilizers, and don’t litter.  For more hints, download our current brochure.

Additionally, the following is a list of Storm Water related documents that may be helpful:

You can find our Annual Report here.

If you are a home builder, you can find erosion control tips here.

If you are a developer, you can find our Guidance Document and Plan Review checklist here.

If you are a landowner, you can find our BMP checklist here.

Illegal dumping into the storm sewer can cause pollution. To report illegal dumping, or for any stormwater-related complaint, please call our office at 740-477-8224 or email.

Contact us with backflow and staff directory


  • 108 E. Franklin St,
  • Circleville, OH 43113
  • Monday – Friday
  • 7:30 a.m. – 4:00 p.m.