Council Committees
City Of Circleville Committees 2025
The Council President is a non-voting member of all committees. The responsibilities listed are general and non-inclusive. For topics or issues not specifically addressed, please consult the Council President.
The Committee of the Whole handles major enterprise-wide initiatives, legislative and organizational issues, standards and rules, commission appeals process, consideration, modification and actions of the City’s vision, goals and strategic direction. This committee also oversees the Circleville - Pickaway Lease Oversight Committee and the Joint Economic District Board
Agendas and MinutesMembers:
- Barry Keller - Chairman
- Katie Logan Hedges
- Sheri Theis
- Tom Klitzka
- Jeff Hallinin
- John Moats
- Audrey Lukasak
- Tom Duvall
The Finance Committee handles the annual budget for the city, expenditures from unappropriated funds, alternative revenues sources and methods, internal fiscal compliance, issuance and rollover of notes, funding for new positions, wage, salary and benefit adjustments, and income tax collection.
Agendas and MinutesMembers:
- Katie Hedges - Chairman
- Jeff Hallinan
- Tom Duvall
The Judicial Committee handles municipal court, civil liability, public health problems and nuisance abatement, the Health Department contract, ordinance appeals and amendments, zoning code and amendments, the Board of Zoning Appeals, rezoning, and cable television.
Agendas and MinutesMembers:
- Tom Klitzka - Chairman
- Sheri Theis
- John Moats
The Safety Committee handles Operation needs for the safety forces, purchases of safety equipment, fire and police buildings, training expenditures, tornado sirens, disaster preparedness and business continuity, traffic safety controls, and parking.
Agendas and MinutesMembers:
- Jeff Hallinan - Chairman
- Katie Hedges
- Tom Klitzka
The Service Committee handles operational needs for service and utility departments, water treatment and wastewater treatment, flood and drainage control projects, sanitary and storm sewer projects, infrastructure improvements, utility rates and tap fees, traffic flow and control, parking and street or alley vacation, street and alley repair, and sidewalks.
Agendas and MinutesMembers:
- Tom Duvall - Chairman
- Sheri Theis
- Audrey Lukasak
The Strategic Planning Committee handles planning for municipal needs, including land use or acquisition, annexation, and office space, in addition to developing, maintaining, and reviewing the comprehensive plan for the city, park and trail development and maintenance, economic development initiatives including P3 contracting, and the sale, lease or use of city property. This committee works with the Historic Review Board, the Tree Commission, and the Downtown Redevelopment District Board, as well as information technology and the city's website.
Agendas and MinutesMembers:
- Sheri Theis - Chairman
- John Moats
- Audrey Lukasak